Thursday, November 17, 2011

Album Review -Coins As Portraits ' Form and Structure.Storm and Fracture' (Fading Halo Records)

'Form and Structure.Storm and Fracture' by Coins as Portraits  is the first of two brand new releases from Romania based label Fading Halo Records, the other being the debut release from hardcore outfit I Stared Into The Forest.Essentially a short, seven track EP , it showcases the four pieces' knack for writing interesting jazz tinged matchcore, with hints of early Dillinger Escape Plan in their labyrinthine riffing patterns.Unfortunately, the band struggle to muster much that hasn't been done before , and in a more interesting fashion , but it's a competent debut nonetheless, with the band's musicianship sterling throughout, and a clear, sharp production.There is an interesting use of jazz instrumentation(flat chords, interesting use of scales) in pieces like the mini, two part epic 'The Human Predicament' , and  closer 'Solipsism' , that 'll hold the interest of your average mathcore fan, and the band show promise, but seven tracks of constant polyrhythmic blasting become monotonous very quickly , and the overall impression at times can be one of a flight of stairs falling down a flight of stairs.One for ADD sufferers and Nasum fans then alike.

For fans of : The Locust, The Dillinger Escape Plan, I'll Eat Your Face, Napalm Death
Download the album here: 
Stephen O ' Connor

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